Wednesday, June 29, 2011

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  • SkilledWorker4GC
    06-26 06:04 PM
    I am filing things on my own. I have one question.

    Can i only file for AP when dates are current or i could file for AP before a travel?

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  • FinalGC
    08-12 02:04 PM
    Got my approval today. Neither very happy nor sad.

    Dude mine too today.....Common cheer up and jump up and down...

    your old buddy from NJ

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  • keshtwo
    07-13 01:51 PM

    This guy has moved from an anti H1 visa platform to an anti-India platform. This is bordering on racism. And no one saying anything. Wonder what all this is leading to.

    People must remember that all of them are immigrants or descendants of immigrants.

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  • sparky_jones
    10-06 01:29 PM
    Being stuck in the EB3 conundrum, I usually find it hard to bring myself around to feeling good about the turn of fortune for folks in other categories. But I have to say that you completely deserve the turn of the GC fortune. Your helpful and positive attitude is very inspiring. Good luck for the future, and wish your family the best of health.

    There has been some requests for the letter format that I sent to Napolitano and Mr. President. I can't put them in the public domain but I'll be happy to send them if you give your personal email ids.

    Yesterday was a very eventful day for the afternoon my wife got approved and 12 hours later we had to call in emergency 911 to take her to the hospital as she was having such strong chills and violent shakings..we all got scared and we have a 2 and half month baby on top of that.....but with strong dose of antibiotics and drips she is better and what a day and night.....

    In any case I'll answer all your queries....I feel the option 4 is the best way to get to TSC...I have always used that....congressman's office has discretionary powers and you should use that.....use strong words it is your right......they are here to serve you unlike in India where they are there to get pocket your pun for my motherland but unfortunately it is true....

    Try a time frame of 4:30-5:30 EST to call the TSC or NSC for that matter...ppl are in a better mood at the end of the day and on thursdays and your lawyer and ask him or her to intervene......if you know for sure your case is preadjudicated write it strongly in your mails to DHS and others.

    I had in fact attached the previous year letters and their responses back to me in my last mail to Napolitano and it was really quite strong.....I am sure it is hard not to take a note of it......I don't mince words and I believe that one should fight for one's rights....

    I have been associated with organizations like ASHA, AID and DISHA for long and that have taught me a lot too.............

    Again your attitude should be "You have nothing to loose" make a best case for yourself and go for it...



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  • gcsomeday
    08-22 03:28 PM

    The second paragraph from the link says that the new spill-over policy is not a random, ad hoc decision by USCIS but rather a careful one after consulting congress etc.

    "...after further review, additional legislation, and consultation with Congress, they concluded that they have to allocate the fall across within individual preference petitions first..."

    I wonder what additional legislation he is talking about here. Was there anything new we know about? If consultation means finding the intent of congress I wonder how much of it is BS.

    This whole thing does not look objective. Even if it is, in all likelihood we are getting screwed by something that can possibly be changed again under the right circumstances.

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  • calabor2001
    02-27 03:12 PM
    Mamit: Take a deeeeeeeeep breath! Good for you that you are dealing with this right at the start of your career. Get all the bad stuff out upfront. I have a family and life to take care of in the US and I am stuck in this crap since Jan 7th. It is extremely hard and frustrating - but there is simply nothing that you can do about it right now. So, relax and wait it out.

    The PIMS stuff is all messed up and iff you have a common name, your lottery for "Security Clearance" may have come. That would significantly add time to it. If this is your first stamping - the chances of rigorous checking is higher - although that is not always the case.

    It is easier said than done - but seriously, let the life take its own course, this too shall pass and soon!

    Good Luck and cheer up!

    Thanks Bpositive. Actually this time I asked my friend in US to call DOS, and he used the computerized answering system with my petition number and they did say that my H1-B petition has been approved. I don't know if I mispronounced/mistyped anything when I did it last week, but at least now I'm sure that it is on DOS' system. Thats the same thing I heard when I called KCC, that my petition was approved in April 2007. Or maybe I should've asked them if they've access to PIMS. It's frustrating man, I never thought at this stage of career, entry-level that is, I will be stalled by things like this. Well I hope in the end I can find a rational explanation to why things turned out the way they did.

    For the new folks in the forum, its been 75 days and am still waiting for my H1 visa. I guess I should also talk to that Mexican Emabassy and see if my case shows up on the PIMS or not. The only problem with New Delhi embassy is that when I call them, all they say is that the case is still pending, and nothing else. I don't even know if I should curse them for being incompetent, or maybe that is all their job entails (I'm not being condescending here). Is it advisable for me to go to New Delhi personally? This is a mess, but as long as its in God's design, I'm ok with it. I just don't wanna feel later that if I had done this ... blah blah, then I could've expedited the whole stuff. That'd be a bummer. Well at least I need to be focussed and keep my head straight. That I can control, and thats what I'm taking solace in.


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  • Macaca
    02-21 10:50 AM
    Broken Borders and Dover Sole: My Lunch With Lou Dobbs ( By LAWRENCE DOWNES | NYT, Feb 21

    So I was having lunch at the Four Seasons with Lou Dobbs the other day, locked in disagreement over who cared more about working people, him or me.

    Him: CNN host, biggest and loudest gun in the battle for tougher immigration policies, leader of a nightly crusade to expose the misdeeds of those he views as elitist fools and scoundrels.

    Me: editorial writer whose views on immigration qualify, to Mr. Dobbs and many others on his side of the debate, as elitist, foolish and scoundrelly.

    Meeting at the Four Seasons was his idea, to continue a long, civil and inconclusive phone conversation about immigration. I got there early and waited at Mr. Dobbs�s banquette. I looked around the hushed room, full of dark suits and a wintry glow. Mr. Dobbs appeared and settled in, his drink, cranberry juice and seltzer, materializing at his right elbow.

    In the spirit of the occasion, I ordered strictly within our borders: lobster bisque, filet of bison and New York tap water. He had the Dover sole.

    Among people whose immigration views I admire, Mr. Dobbs has a reputation as a hopeless blowhard. I did not dwell on that at lunch. I was his guest, and I had seen what happens if you try to skewer him with insult or accusation. Mr. Dobbs is unencumbered by self-doubt. The granite fortress of his certitude is smooth and featureless, and whatever boulders you hurl at it will end up on your head. Besides, I was looking for something better than an argument. I wanted to convert him.

    An honest person must concede a lot when arguing immigration with Mr. Dobbs: Yes, the borders and ports are insecure, and poor countries like Mexico have done too little to solve their economic and migration problems. Yes, illegal immigration hurts some Americans, globalization causes many global problems and big corporations love to stick it to the little guy.

    My point to Mr. Dobbs was that the little-little guy � the �illegal alien� crossing our �broken borders� � was the wrong target. His overriding emphasis on solving globalization�s many ills by urgently sealing the borders strikes me as populism gone astray.

    First, it�s ineffective, because the country will never be ziplocked as tightly as he wants it to be. The price of trying is too high, and it ignores the millions who enter the country legally but overstay. Most shamefully, it does nothing to resolve the fates of the 12 million undocumented already here.

    Second, the obsession with enforcement dovetails with the agendas of some nasty people: the nativists for whom immigration is a simple case of brown and white, of preserving �American� culture by keeping Latinos out.

    Third, it does too little to attack the evil corporate elites that are Mr. Dobbs�s sworn enemy. What makes illegal immigrants so delectable to big, bad business is their illegality � their willingness to work cheap and under the table. So why not legalize and tax them? Assimilate the good guys, as this country has always done, and save law enforcement for the bad ones.

    The idea is to confront abusive corporate power with worker power. If day laborers end up in our suburbs, where the money and jobs are, then give them safe places to gather and help them work together to keep from driving wages and working conditions down. If companies take advantage of workers, empower the workers to fight back: as union members, legal residents, citizens.

    But that�s �amnesty,� a Dobbsian expletive. It�s the opposite of the crackdowns endorsed by him and the hard-liners he praises, like the Minutemen.

    Mr. Dobbs listened graciously and budged not. He said he respected immigrants, even illegal ones, who he felt had gotten an unfair shake from their governments. He reminded me of his fondness for Cesar Chavez.

    Then he repeated his immigration credo. It went like this: the 1986 immigration law was an amnesty promoted by corporate interests waging war on the middle class. Thus the 2006 and 2007 reforms were also amnesty, pushed by the same self-serving plutocrats. So nothing they want is worth doing � at least not until the border is sealed.

    That could be a long time. While we wait, I am going to keep trying to convince Mr. Dobbs that a comprehensive solution � enforcement plus assimilation � is the best expression of the populism he espouses.

    Mr. Dobbs admits that mass deportation would never work, although if you press him on what to do about the 12 million, he has no answer. He wants to hold that question �in abeyance� until the border is sealed. I find that oddly passive for someone so convinced of the dangers from the aliens in our midst.

    I told him that, and he smiled. The lunch was over. I didn�t wrestle over the check because there was no check, just a goodbye from the staff. I got my coat and walked with Mr. Dobbs to his car. We shook hands and I thanked him for the discussion. He made me promise to continue it. I assured him I would.

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  • pappu
    01-08 09:43 AM
    The more than half million highly-skilled legal immigrants already working productively in the United States find themselves trapped in a system that is taking years longer than intended.

    It should read as, "There are more than half million highly-skilled legal immigrants already working productively in the United States who find themselves trapped in a system that is taking years longer than intended.

    Pls feel free to change the text of the letter and personalize it if you wish. If you wish to include your story and attach a photo copy of your degrees, patents, awards, please do so. Just make sure to include the provisions we are trying to push.

    If you are handwriting the letter, your writing should be legible.. If nobody can read your writing, then it will defeat the purpose. Write the letter in such a way that the key points are easy to read. If you would like to use rules, bold text, highlighters etc... go ahead and do it.

    We all need to be as creative as possible to make this campaign a success.


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  • gcisadawg
    08-20 02:33 PM
    I'm at Oct 2004 (EB3-I), 35 years for me .... you don't say!

    No seriously guys, 'spatial' brings up a good point; the laws are up for interpretation by the USCIS.

    Man, believe me, I'd be happy to accept that my numbers are incorrect!


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  • sunil68
    01-03 09:43 AM
    I was just wondering if anybody knows about Science & Technology Related VISA Issuance Delay at Indian consulates and embassy. Is it a new thing introdcuced recently? Now they require you to fill up a 6-pages long questionnaire and wait 2-3 weeks delay. Anybody on h1-B has gone through this?

    Look at this link:

    Then go here-----

    When you apply for a visa

    A. Apply early for a visa. You should apply as soon as you have an approved petition, as indicated by receipt of a Form I-797, Notice of Approval

    B. If you plan to engage in technology-related business or research while in the U.S., a set of specific documents should accompany your visa application. Your application also may require additional administrative processing. For more details, click here. When you click here you see this --

    Nonimmigrant Visas

    Visa Applicants Planning to Engage in Technology-Related Business or Study While in the United States:

    If you are involved in technical or scientific fields, your visa application may require administrative processing of approximately two to three weeks. If you think this requirement will affect you, apply for your visa as early as possible, prepare for your visa interview well in advance and bring to your visa interview the following documents:

    A completed and printed questionnaire: Questionnaire (PDF: 37k*)
    A copy of your resume or curriculum vitae (CV)
    A list of your publications (if any)
    A summary of your past research
    A detailed description of your ongoing or future research or work in the U.S.
    The name of your advisor or sponsor in the U.S., including a mailing address and telephone number
    The name of the financial sponsor of the U.S. study/research
    A list of references

    Further Instructions & Information:

    All documentation must be in English
    You should be ready to answer specific questions during the visa interview about your research plans in the U.S.
    If you do not bring complete information to your visa interview, for example, a completed questionnaire, your resume and research summary, you may have your application delayed even further, or may be refused a visa and be required to apply again
    As soon as the processing of your visa is complete, the Visa Section will contact you and explain how you can pick up the visa. You do not need to contact the Visa Section, make a new appointment or pay the Visa Application Fee again

    Anybody on h1-B has gone through this?


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  • singhv_1980
    02-05 04:44 PM
    hello all,

    i will really really appreciate your posts..

    its been 23rd day..H1B renewal..New Delhi..still waiting for PP..i got no slip warning to wait ..nothing..

    But now i think its not stuck due to could be anything ?? some admin processing ? some security check ? some name check ??

    How do we differentiate what are our passports held up for..COULD THIS BE CALLED 221(g)..i read in forums..221g can take forever ??


    I am not very sure but my understanding is that consulate will tell you if there is any issue reg security clearance etc (in other words 221 g).

    Did VO tell you anything about administrative processing during your interview??

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  • abuddyz
    01-21 09:57 PM
    Right, but that A# I found on my H1b approval (approved Oct 10 '07) is different from the A # in my 458 receipts.

    Just trying to figure out if folks who had an A# in the H1b approval notice are also facing the PIMS delay. (just a wild guess).


    your H1 was approved very recently. I guess that was the reason for your passport delay..


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  • aquarianf
    06-15 01:09 PM
    You or your employer should have a copy of all approved I-797 H1 reciept. Isint the l-94 on there?

    What about old employers :)

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  • pani_6
    08-22 07:14 PM
    Its very very critcal that this things pass..else..EB-3 jump ship to SOS

    It is unfortunate that people don't even try to understand the issue and just go about complaining it.
    Most people can't even differentiate between what is law and what is not. What are difficult things to accomplish and what are not.

    It is absolutely imperative that 5882 pass otherwise the situation will continue to exist.
    Here are the my estimated waits for EB3-I
    PD(end of the calendar year) and its corresponding wait in years
    2001 1 year
    2002 3 years
    2003 4 years (Bad economy in 2002 and early 2003)
    2004 7 years (Case surge in 2003 and 2004 due to booming economy)
    2005 8 years (fewer cases in 2005 due to PERM)
    2006 10 years
    2007 12 years
    2008 .....


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  • addsf345
    08-27 04:00 PM
    Final price for vonage would be $33.

    still going for VONAGE makes sense as I can call india without "minutes counter" ticking over my head. I may wait for Lingo offer as it is even cheaper and offers flexibility to call india from cell phone too.

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  • SunnySurya
    08-07 10:01 AM
    I am no Gandhi and don't want to be one. I am just a common man trying to make my ends meet. Only thing I know is that if you come before me in the line I am affected. It is not a DMV line where every one will get their License, it is a ration line where the items are limited.
    Call it selfish call it any thing else but these are the facts after being in the USA for last 12 years and two different labors.

    Think about Aman, he is still working for the benefit of EB community even though he got his greencard, I have US Masters degree but I don't support this.


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  • akred
    01-24 04:43 PM
    last i checked - there are plenty of flights between JFK/Newark and all major cities including Boston.

    also - all airlines work on a hub and spoke arrangement


    One thing to realise is that direct point to point flights will take a while, and even then there is no guarantee that you will want to fly it because it may not be economical or convienient.

    And the absence of point-to-point flights has more to do with the airlines following a hub and spoke model than with any government restrictions. Point to point flights were identified as a core part of Boeing's product strategy only recently. The situation should improve over the next few years as airlines take delivery of new models, but until then we are stuck with the hub and spoke arrangement.

    We were very satisified with Continental even though we flew Seattle->Newark->Mumbai.

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  • sunny1000
    06-29 08:30 PM
    I dont understand why DOS/DHS/USCIS will not do anything RIGHT NOW and wait till July 2nd or 3rd??


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  • waitnwatch
    08-21 12:33 PM
    Yes, the same law can be interpreted like this:

    EB1-ROW unused visa will go to EB2-ROW
    EB2-ROW unused visa will go to EB3-ROW

    Same for each country.
    But its not happening. What actually is happening that they are giving unused visa from EB1-ROW to EB2-ROW to EB2-I/C. WHY?

    So EB3-ROW is retrogressed bcoz it doesn't get any spillover and hence it affect EB3-I.

    So where is the correct interpretation? Does any body know?

    Don't take me wrong here. I don't favor EB3-ROW or any particular category. I am EB3-I with PD Nov 2002.

    The bottom line is that there should not exist such severe retrogression and that is what all of us should work to remove. But the law is what it is -

    The law makes allotment between categories (EB1, EB2 and EB3) in Sec. 203 of the INA. Section 202 talks about country limit (note the exception clause which provides for the parallel distribution as the country limit becomes invalid if more visas are available in a category than is consumed using per country limitation).

    Excerpt from Section 202 of the INA

    (2) Per country levels for family-sponsored and employment-based immigrants. - Subject to 1a/ paragraphs (3), (4), and (5) the total number of immigrant visas made available to natives of any single foreign state or dependent area under subsections (a) and (b) of section 203 in any fiscal year may not exceed 7 percent (in the case of a single foreign state) or 2 percent (in the case of a dependent area) of the total number of such visas made available under such subsections in that fiscal year.

    (3) Exception if additional visas available. - If because of the application of paragraph (2) with respect to one or more foreign states or dependent areas, the total number of visas available under both subsections (a) and (b) of section 203 for a calendar quarter exceeds the number of qualified immigrants who otherwise may be issued such a visa, paragraph (2) shall not apply to visas made available to such states or areas during the remainder of such calendar quarter.

    01-05 10:13 PM me, there are very very few who would have bought a house with GC pending.,.

    I also used to think so, but in reality many people waiting for GC have bought houses already (on an IV poll ~50% of some 500 respondents)

    10-31 03:49 PM
    It's possible that USCIS may issue a NOID instead of straight denial, when I-140 is withdrawn by the employer, if they have AC21 letter in the file. (It's a possibility, not 100% guarantee.)

    With a RFE/NOID you can continue to work while getting the issue resolved. Not so with the denial. You can't work till the issue is reloved, and you need to file MTR (costlier than a RFE). So it's basically a matter of risk-reduction though it always doesn't produce the expected results.

    I am sorry if I am bit late on this forum. Why even inform USCIS when you use AC21? There is no rule stating that you have to inform them , so why do it?

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