Wednesday, June 29, 2011

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  • Hunter
    05-09 01:22 PM
    The percentage of people here are a very small percentage of that 25%.

    H1/L1 restrictions are not going to encourage american kids. It does not impact their thinking. Maths, science are tougher subjects for kids. Kids in India were pushed by their parents to study science in search for a good career. Kids here have a lot other avenues which are more attractive to a kid. Kids do not understand L1/H1. 90% of adult population here does not understand H1/L1. REstricting H1/L1 will not influence a kid to take up science and engineering.

    I have news for you (and the certitude with which you make your claims here are laughable). Computer science graduation rates in US went up this year by 6-8%, because the visa caps since 2003 remained at 65000 instead of 195000 creating some demand here. I personally know kids who wanted to go to Computer science, but went for other areas like health care because of the lack of offshoring/H1 etc. If the crooked Indian offshorers and fly-by-night operators are not driving down the wages, more americans will go to computer science, as they would go for a career as MD or Pharmacist or lawyer (almost all those careers need at least 6-8 years of college). They also know that professional associations like AMA or APhA wouldn't allow importing foreign workers by corporations/hospitals on a scale that H1-bs are imported in IT area

    Based on my experience, I wouldn't say that Indian kids have any special skills in maths or science compared to americans. Contrary to what you claim, people are aware of H1s and offshoring(may be so much on the exploitation of L1) as they talk to friends and family and guidance counselors at school. Most of the IT jobs were Indian H1-bs are employed doesn't even need computer science or engineering degree. Some of the best architects I have seen in IT didn't have a computer science major. A green-horn from TCS/INFY with a computer science degree and pretending to be an architect doesn't mean he is the best IT professional available in the market.

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  • reno_john
    05-26 06:58 PM
    the number in red on your visa, it will be on the right side of the visa page,

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  • singhv_1980
    02-04 05:40 PM
    Today 23rd day..and still waiting for PP..
    H1B renewal at New Delhi embassy..

    singhv, are you also waiting for your pp ?? what is your case and status ?

    I am going for visa interview in Feb end. It will be in Delhi consulate. This will be my first stamping. My H1B was approved Oct 06 from Vermont service center. My impression was that it is taking 2 weeks on an average..but you have crossed that time limit. Good Luck Buddy! ..keep us posted...

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  • prashantc
    01-31 11:35 AM
    Thanks for all your good wishes. I am praying for all of you, you will hear the good news soon.

    Hi, Virginia_desi, perhaps my observation and moral was a bit pre-fetched. But based on two big forums (IV, Murthy), Indian consulates are the only ones that reportedly delay passport deliveries by more than 10 days for some cases. I have not read a single first hand experience (not friend tales) talking about 30 days delays at any other posts. I did read about a 7 days delay at London, but that was it.

    Hopefully the PIMS system will stabilize soon. My one complain is that enough forewarning should be given to the people in advance when making such big changes in visa process. There was some information from DOS on 7th and 28th Dec on about PIMS, but that mentioned a maximum delay of 48 hours. I dont think 48 hours can be rounded to a month in any mathematical syntax. Furthermore, people were making appointments 2-3 months in advance. They cannot change their plans on a 2 weeks notice, and even that notice did not carry credible information about delays to anticipate.

    Anyways, the moral should be "stay well informed before making any immigration steps". God bless all.


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  • johnmcdonald98
    05-20 03:16 PM
    The 485 and EAD requires total 4 identical photos of each person. I enquired at Walgreens, but their passport photo package contains only 2 photos. Any idea how to get 4 identical photos of the same person? Moreover, the photos must be 2 inch X 2 inch. How to get photos of that size?

    Any help is really appreciated.

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  • funny
    09-11 07:15 PM
    Just noticed they updated the next session date to 15 sep and not 22 Sep.

    where do you see the updated date


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  • virginia_desi
    01-11 08:19 AM
    I had an appointment on Jan 10th, 1 pm got the stamped passport same evening at 6 pm from the VFS office
    Is this is a first time H1-B stamping case (F1->H1-B) or a H1-B renewal case?

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  • kriskris
    08-20 03:35 PM
    To let you all know,
    There is no contract to change the plans. I just spoke to Vonage customer service. She clearly explained me about the contract requirements. In fact there is no commitment for the new users also. The 1-year contract which shows on the website is for the Phone Adapter. They only charge for the phone adapter if you discontinue your service before 1 year. No strings for the existing customers.

    Enjoy calling to India.......


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  • ashokK
    09-20 11:28 AM
    All thanks goes to sanjayb who is maintaining the list. Please post info in following forum. He will add in list.

    Also send fax/email to congressmen/senator/Assit Chief of USCIS. I did my part.

    CAdude, I did post in the the thread you gave me...Thanks

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  • satyasaich
    01-20 09:36 AM
    please read the following

    In that bill, under Title1 / Section 101 speaks about some relief


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  • snathan
    04-01 03:06 PM
    Quote from Shusterman's newsletter --- "According to our calculations, EB-2 priority dates for India and China may advance not just weeks or months, but years!"

    You made my day...:D

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  • sgsg
    01-28 05:46 AM
    Finally received my passport this morning. Consulate sent it to VFS on Friday and I received it today through Blue Dart.

    Int Date: Dec 17, 2007 @ Chennai Consulate
    PP Rec. Date: Jan 28, 2008


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  • inderman
    10-26 04:15 PM

    Got an email from USCIS stating that there is an change in status... This email showed new status as Card Prodn Ordered...

    This was early evening 22'nd Oct.... Got two emails - one for me and one for my wife... exactly identical email.

    Then later at night (closer to midnite NSC time i think), i received the same two emails for me and my wife again.... not sure why.

    Since then no other emails.... So far, i have only recvd CPO email.... no other emails at all...

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  • drona
    07-10 11:31 PM
    Just released from the New York Times:

    A Floral Protest Over Job-Based Visas by Nina Bernstein

    In a Gandhi-inspired protest, foreigners working legally in the United States sent thousands of flowers to a top immigration official yesterday to draw attention to their complaints about job-based visas.

    The official, Emilio Gonzalez, director of Citizenship and Immigration Services, arranged for trucks to haul the bouquets of roses, carnations and other flowers to Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington and the National Naval Medical Center at Bethesda, Md.

    “The reaction from the patients, family and staff was overwhelming,” said Michael Briggs, an American Red Cross employee at Walter Reed who helped distribute the flowers. “They were very appreciative, and they were excited.”

    The flower protest was staged by temporary workers, many from India, who felt jilted by the immigration agency’s decision last week to withdraw tens of thousands of job-based visas. The State Department announced last month that green cards would be available starting July 2 for applicants across the range of high-skilled categories, but the immigration agency later said there had been a misunderstanding and no visas would be available.

    With a more typically American form of protest under way in the courts — the first lawsuits over the about-face were filed last week — an agency spokesman, Dan Kane, would not discuss the complaints behind the flowers.

    Vikas Chowdhry, a software developer who helped coordinate the protest, said the flowers had served a good purpose.

    “We are overjoyed that these flowers brightened the day of our injured service brethren,” Mr. Chowdhry said. “It is their sacrifice for American freedom that has made this country great and such a desirable destination.”


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  • JazzByTheBay
    07-09 08:08 PM
    We need media, print media. Talk shows, ?.? dont know.

    No publicity is bad publicity... and I doubt the talk show hosts would poke fun at us for this creative form of protest.


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  • sankap
    09-15 10:51 AM
    Did any one get their GCs WITHOUT getting the CPO email? I got PDA emails Sep 11 (saying that they have approved the I485 applications), followed by SLUDs Sep 13. I didn't get any CPO email or other notification. Should I expect the CPO emails and THEN the GCs, or just simply the GCs?


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  • Canadian_Dream
    03-27 03:05 PM
    IMHO you misinterpreted the memo. An employer can definitely choose not to hire based on immigration status. This has happened in the past (circa 2001) and evidently many employers do not hire H1B or any employees that require "job related" sponsorship. From the same link, in the next para it says that employers can clearly specify that they will NOT do sponsorship without violating the law. The only question is what is considered a sponsorship, any restricted position (in terms of job responsibility) can constitute a sponsorship (where by employers have legal burden beyond what it takes to hire a US Citizien/Permanent Resident for the same position). H1B definitely falls into this category and EAD borders that category. I am not an expert in labor laws but my experience says that employers have too much control on who they want to hire they can get by with almost anything. The biggest hurdle against any law suit is, EAD is an obscure document with very little clarity about rights that come with it and its usage. It was supposed to be an interim document whose usage only now is becoming main stream. May be one law suit or precedent will clarify it all. But once again employers will get by it the same way they get by with age, ethic, gender and racial descrimination.

    The bottom line is if a corporation has decided upon a certain policy (how much stupid and discriminatory it may be) it is futile to fight it becasue they will do it one way or the other. It is better to find an employer who respect your talent and what you bring to their organization as opposed to what kind legal papers you are carrying. What's happening with the EAD situation generally happns in a tight labor markets and we are in one now. In 2005-06 these same employers were fighting with each other to get as many H1B by filing twice the application allowed on the same day and now suddenly EAD is a problem. According to this website Capital One has 1200 H1B's.

    There is a whole lot of good information about citizenship or immigration status discrimination at

    From their Employee Brochure:

    From their Employer Brochure:

    From OSC Update newsletter April 2004:


    If you are told by an employer (verbally or in writing) that they will consider only citizens or green card holders, call the OSC hotline. They may not give you the job based on some other criteria but they will not discriminate anybody else in the future.

    If you find any job posting or ad which states that they will hire only citizens or green card holders, or explicitly declines to hire somebody with EAD, post it here. If you don't wish to, maybe somebody else can make the call.

    In most cases it would be pure ignorance on the recruiter's part. A simple phone call from OSC will clear that.

    Of course the best course is to avoid bringing up EAD in the first place. But if it comes to that, you can reach out to OSC, even if you don't have anything in writing.

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  • aj_jadeja
    07-09 09:22 PM
    just curious .

    to fwd all these flowers will it cost uscis anything ?

    btw i m very happy that he has acknowledged our issue :)



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  • jonty_11
    07-09 06:33 PM always just like our taxes...this will go to the veterans also.
    The credit will go to USCIS.

    06-21 02:46 PM
    Thank you very much Canadian_Dream and jonty_11

    09-08 11:28 PM
    Got CPO email this afternoon. I did not get any other emails (like welcome or decision emails) before this email. Is that normal to send the CPO email before sending the decision notice email?



    Yes, it is normal , you will receive welcome letter in USPS mail not email in next couple of days and then GC.


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