Monday, June 27, 2011

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  • pitha
    02-15 09:55 AM
    You are absolutely right. Its almost as if democrats are wishing that CIR will go away. As I said in my previous post last time we had, Arlon Specter, Bill Frist and President Bush pushing CIR to the top of the agenda, the senate literaly set aside all buisness in May to get CIR done. This time CIR is like an untouchable disease nobody wants to touch even with a ten foot pole. Maybe something is happenning behind the scenes, we can only hope something is happenning behind the scenes.

    In addition to the bills you listed below, you also need to consider the time lost in the dreaded confrence between the house and senate when the bills are reconciled. For example the minimum wage increase bill passed by senate comes with some tax breaks wheras the minimum wage increase bill from house does not have any tax breaks. They have to have a confrence to resolve the differences between the bills and revote on it.

    The bottom line is CIR will happen if there is strong will of the congress. Right now you dont see any. Infact congress wants to look the other way when it comes to CIR. They have enough execuses to not do nothing on cir with there preoccupation with Iraq war, the 9 bills listed below etc. Unlike last time no strong man (rather men) is Shepherding it. So best case scenario might be December or Jan 2008.

    As some wise man said "patience is a virtue" and we need tons of it if we were to live to see the day CIR passes :D

    Let’s see, Senate has so far passed Bill #2
    And here are some of the bills in numerical order in which they were listed in Senate

    3. Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act of 2007
    4. Medicare Prescription Drug Price Negotiation Act of 2007
    5. College Student Relief Act of 2007
    6. CLEAN Energy Act of 2007
    7. College Opportunity Act of 2007
    8. Rebuilding America's Military Act of 2007
    9. Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2007

    Also on an average it takes about 10 Business days to debate and vote on bill.

    Lookup at the senate calendar (working days week offs etc)

    Lets assume (when have things gone right for us?) everything goes according to the order listed above. We have 80 days of work before CIR comes to senate.

    Considering that senate takes weeks off (first from Feb 19-23, second from April 2-9). I don’t see how they can start CIR before May at the latest.

    Now they might say some of the bills could be a days worth of work, or not necessary bills will be taken up in numerical order etc.

    But I ask you again. When was the last time we were lucky?

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  • pitha
    02-14 09:55 PM
    My bad. Yes I did mix up some facts :o Its the house and sensenbrener who sat on CIR confrence after senate passed it on may 25 till september.

    There are some inaccuracies in your post:

    The CIR in the Senate passed on 25th May 2006. Bill number S. 2611 of 109th congress. (See for this on )

    The 60 day waiting period is something that may be removed this year as this year, the Dems are in control.

    I can go on and on about why CIR did not become a law in 2006. However if one were allowed just one phrase to describe the reason why CIR didnt happen in 2006, is : United States House of Representatives (

    If you remember, in Nov 2005, the house had already pass its own CIR. They called it CIR, but no one else called it that. Its was H.R. 4437. Created by dear Chairman Jim Sensenbrenner. The bill provided for making illegal presence a felony and basically deporting 11 million already here. That was the House's CIR.

    What happens this year, even God cannot predict. What we've said here at IV, is CIR will come in SENATE, in March-April. It will be debated and passed in Senate, most likely, just like last year. After that, as far as the House is concerned, it remains to be seen how much pressure the White House and Senate can put on them. Basically, if the White House were to direct a few more raids by ICE on some meat packing plants and some construction, that's all it takes for the House to be shamed into doing something about a widespread problem unless it wants to be called a do-nothing congress.

    Now we cannot predict if the above course of events will take place. Its impossible to predict. Some people (on other sites) have laid out percentages like 20% chance this will happen, 80% chance that will happen. That's really laughable.

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  • apt29
    02-10 03:29 PM
    EAD is like a carrot in front of the cart. GC is like eating the carrot.

    EAD is like plate meals. GC is like full meals.:D

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  • nissan_1
    08-05 12:15 PM
    I work for a reputed American consulting firm with 30000 emp globally. I am EB3 India and missed the July 2007 boat. After trying from last 2 years, I finally convinced my employer to file my EB2. I have a 4 years Engg degree and had 5 years work exp in IT before joining this company. I already worked 6 years in this company. Our Lawyers do not want to use any of my preious experiance, rather they want to use "Bachelor's degree and 5 years of progressively responsible experience" in my current employer as I received promotions in the past to became a Manager. I have doubt in it. but they are one of the most reputed law firm in US and I do not think I can question them in regards to immigration rules.

    What you guys think? Will it work?


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  • sunny1000
    02-15 01:10 AM
    There were a few instances where the previous senate majority leader, Dr Frist was trying to by-pass the committee. But, in the case of the House of Reps, it would not have done any good as Denny Hastert had the rule of "super majority" meaning that he would only bring bills to the floor when a majority of the majority (of Republicans) would support it.

    Bills almost never go to the floor directly. Especially something as huge as CIR. It will go thru committee again and it will go thru normal rounds of debate and amendments between the 18 people in Judiciary committee.

    Its very unusual for a bill to hit the floor directly without going thru the committee that has jurisdiction over it. If it happens all the time, then the committees would be meaningless. The whole point of having a committee is to be able to either kill the entire bill, or a congressional appointment before such a bill / confirmation is debated by all 100 senators. Same thing in the House.

    If it was possible to bypass committees, then people would have floored the SKIL or other bills directly on the floor of the house, therby bypassing Jim Sensenbrenner and his Judiciary committee last year.

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  • vnsriv
    09-26 02:12 PM
    Guys and gals,

    My AP application entered in the system on Sep 13th at NSC - what is the likely approval time these days for AP.

    I have vacation plans but i've very slim H-time left and that too not stamped (its a extension) so i have to have the AP at hand before leaving. I can't book tickets because i dont know if AP wil at all come before my Journey date.

    Any advise or experience sharing would be a big help. Is there any way i can rush/expedite my AP application from NSC ?

    Thank you so much,

    Check my signature. The AP approval time is approx 3 months to my best knowledge


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  • zigma
    05-03 08:56 AM
    I have listened to the three main "Conservative" talk show hosts, Michael Savage, Sean Hannety & Glenn Beck. They are just like politicians and will do anything to retain their popularity. They are experts at twisting sentences and putting words in the caller's mouth. And when they feel they are losing the discussion, they start shouting 'GOMP' (Get Off My Phone) - very much like kids.

    Sure they like the food, but thats where it ends. Their main audience is the WASP crowd.

    It's better to avoid. Plus what do we stand to gain - hardly anything.

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  • Scythe
    03-20 09:14 PM
    I think what makes it so interesting is the fact that its a little controversial and actually makes you think.

    Well I find offensive the implication that asking if you've read the bible makes you think.


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  • hpandey
    01-18 12:42 PM
    2000-2002 was worst. Who didnt do job search during that time have no idea how it felt like.

    I just came out of school then and it felt like sky is falling on me. Becoming desparate to survive, i went to work in a gas station. The lady owner didnt pay me after i worked for a week saying i am not concentrating enough. Then out of no where i found a technology job that paid 17$ per hour to keep me going and they did my H1 a year later in 2002. It just made me more strong i guess. But, it is a hell of an experience. Most of my freinds went for second masters or PHD to Keep the status.

    It was so hard to find a job those days. I was myself unemployed for so many months along with a lot of my friends and everyone of us was highly qualified and experienced. Since 2002 end onwards everyone of us has a good job without any breaks.

    I hope we don't get to see the 2001 recession again and I am sure it won't be that bad this time.

    It is the financial sector which is paying for its own mistakes. It might spill over to the other sectors of the economy but not to the degree it happened in 2001. Just my opinion.

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  • ny_lawyer
    01-28 12:43 AM
    Link is not opening.


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  • genscn
    05-30 03:17 PM
    It's because you, me, or any temporary legal immigrant will go back home if some law changes, and new batch of H1 B people will come in to fulfill industry requirement, but for illegal, route from South America is a one way street to USA and no going back. Plus, if temporary legal immigrants leave, US Govt. got to keep all our social security, retirement saving etc. if you think from their angle (US govt.), I guess for them, it makes more sense to legalize illegal (so at-least govt. can get some share of money from their taxes) because no matter what govt. do, illegal are never going to go back.

    I just don't understand one basic question.

    Congress is trying to pardon 12 million illegals as a one time measure and give them Green Cards. (OK - Very good)

    On the other hand we are about half a million who entered the country legally and helping the U.S. economy and paying taxes. Why don't they consider giving all of us Green Cards as a one time measure too ?????

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  • savigans
    10-24 05:01 PM
    I'm in a similar situation:

    EB2 LC Priority Date: August 25, 06
    I-140 pending
    Received I-1485 receipt notice and EAD
    I-485 Reciept Date: August 1st, 07

    I want to do an internal move from the position of "Software Engineer, Test Automation" to "Software Engineer, Webapp Developer". The job duties are similar but not exactly the same. Also, the job qualifications for the first job required BS + 5 (which I don't have yet) or MS (which I have). My company specifically made it this way for me. But the job qualifications for the new job is just BS + 3 (this is apparently not EB2). But now they are not willing to change the job qualifications for the new job to be EB2 since they have to do recruiting/advertisement reports, etc. for the new position.

    My lawyer says its illegal to change job duties w/o notifying USCIS. They say I cannot do that even with an approved EAD. Is this true? If so, is there any USCIS documentation backing this.

    Thank you for all the great work you guys do.


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  • add78
    03-18 04:58 PM
    RXSimha, the best advice you can take is to talk to an immigration lawyer. Nobody that has posted here has stated any facts, only interpretations. If you wish to learn more follow this thread:

    Make an account and ask your question to Ron, which has already been answered multiple times. He is an immigration attorney. But do not stop there. Confirm all information with multiple immigration attorneys of your preference at your discretion.

    Good luck.

    That is NOT true. desi3933 and I quote directly from the INA or AC-21 or UCSIC Field Memos. Please read the Yates or Neufeld memo and you will get all the answers. Many lawyers themselves do not have all the info at their fingertips and will ultimately refer to the law. By definition, a law is created to not leave "anything" to interpretation, thus the cumbersome "lawyerspeak" in which it is written. In rarest of cases where there "might" be ambiguity, it is usually clarified by Memo releases or Judicial precedences.

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  • jonty_11
    03-27 01:58 PM
    Wish we would not getinto United States Civics discussions and concentrate on Increasing memberships and contributing.

    Dont forget the goal....there are a lot of hurdles ahead as pointed out by Sen Durbin and elk already


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  • jonty_11
    07-16 12:23 PM
    unfortunately, I think there is more demand than supply for EB2 India Mostly (maybe China too)...which will not let any relief be brought to any EB3 categories....If USCIS keeps allocating spillovers to EB2...they will never quell that demand.

    I agree with Nixtor that dates for EB2 (I and C) will go back at least 2004 if not later.

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  • caliguy
    09-17 04:31 PM
    kpchal2 & seekerofpeace - I have run out of ideas now.

    While we wait for October 1st (assuming visa numbers are over), what can be done in the next 13 days?

    I am checking with different attorneys, and might change from my current attorney as he is totally useless. He opened a SR for me, and everytime I call him, he tells me to wait for 30 days.

    I have taken Infopass, met the local senator, opened SR and nothing worked. Any ideas on what can be done next?


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  • eastwest
    05-12 10:11 PM
    I filed my EAD recently and here is what you should do,

    Send the supporting documents to the address mentioned at the bottom of your receipt.

    Documents I have sent,

    1. Cover Letter
    2. Receipt Notice for online EAD filing
    3. your earlier EAD paper in which your EAD arrived ( if this is renewal)
    4. Your 485 Receipt Notice

    This should suffice.
    P.S I have already done finger printing.

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  • maverick80
    02-05 08:43 PM
    Haha. That is an accurate assessment at a 50-foot level. I was pretty disillusioned after a couple of years of working. A mixture of what the fuck am I doing, but not really knowing what to do, and all confused because I was at probably the biggest firm around and and a feeling of even if I switch, what's the point? And not having the balls to switch jobs, for the fear of throwing away what I had, mixed with personal struggles with life and not having the social life that I wanted.

    In between all this, the desire to get the GC process kicked off came and went, esp. since I wanted to switch positions to a more people oriented role, and the feeling of gosh, do I want to stay in 6+ years in this job - maybe if I file, then I won't want to change jobs.

    As you can see, even I am not sure what was going on there. But my personal life and acclimatizing has sorted itself out rather well of late, and I do want to stay here now that I have a really interesting life (and partly out of fear of throwing everything away and moving somewhere new).

    Now, I know that IV is not a self-help trauma group, so I will cut short my story here, which has little to do with the raw facts of my immigration situation :)

    And yes, I did not participate or know much about the visa process, or IV till recently, and am a recent need based participant, but I hope that does not stop anyone from contributing their ideas to help me out.

    *** Also, to the previous poster (nojoke) who said that big companies usually hold off on perms, are you suggesting that I have a better chance at a smaller company then?

    UPDATE: My company attorney suggested talking about this in April, and I am nervous about waiting till then in limbo - things are only going bad to worse, I might as well find a job at a place which will sponsor a PERM sooner rather than later.

    I request you to PM me if you have any leads for such companies might still be a good bet for filing a PERM.

    uhh..damn immigration process..

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  • nonimmi
    06-15 12:52 PM
    In central NJ, I called over 9 Doctors and only two of them had an appointment before July 1st -2nd week.

    One is Dr. Neil M.S. Estrella in Clark, NJ. Appointment was available for Monday June 18th. But the fees for the exam plus vaccines is $430. The second one is Dr. Marcel Stern in Piscataway, NJ 08854. Appoitnment was available for Thursday June 21st. The fees was more reasonable at $350.

    If you're in Central NJ, Hurry, Hurry Hurry.

    P.S - If some of you get other appoitnments in NJ, post here so that others will know and not waste time calling other doctors.

    To look for doctors in your area, go here :

    Do you know how long Dr. Marcel Stern's office takes to give you final report?

    12-11 03:42 PM
    Good news lately hasn't been good news. Bad news may turn out to be good news.

    Perhaps we may see things streamlined after this event ? Cheer up. Happy Christmas everyone ! Let's celebrate with happiness in our heart, no matter the outcome of this insane immigration process.

    :mad: 12/11/2006: USCIS Considers Termination of Concurrent Filing (140/485)

    According to the USCIS rule-making agenda, the USCIS is to propose to terminate current concurrent I-140 and I-485 filing. The proposed rule is scheduled to be published in March 2007 with 60-day comment period. It is thus not imminent, but in the later part of next year(Oops!), the immigrant community may see a totally different filing procedure including electronic registration and filing just like current PERM labor certificaiton application procedure. Once the concurrent filing is terminated, the immigrants may experience a terrible pain as related to maintenance of nonimmigrant status pending I-140 petition, eligibility for 245K benefit, plus unavailability of EAD and AP pending I-140 petition, AC-21 180-day portability, etc. etc. Should the I-140 petition processing be dragged, the pain will be extremely unbearable!

    03-31 12:30 PM

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